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GSEC Outside


The beginnings of the Church of England, from which The Episcopal Church derives, date to at least the second century, when merchants and other travelers first brought Christianity to England. It is customary to regard St. Augustine of Canterbury's mission to England in 597 as marking the formal beginning of the church under papal authority, as it was to be throughout the Middle Ages.


In its modern form, the church dates from the English Reformation of the 16th century, when royal supremacy was established and the authority of the papacy was repudiated. With the advent of British colonization, the Church of England was established on every continent. In time, these churches gained their independence, but retained connections with the mother church in the Anglican Communion.

Christ Focused

“In him you have brought us out of error into truth, out of sin into righteousness, out of death into life”  (Book of Common Prayer, p. 368). 

As Episcopalians, we are followers of Jesus Christ, and both our worship and our mission are in Christ’s name. In Jesus, we find that the nature of God is love, and through baptism, we share in his victory over sin and death.  


Why the Episcopal Church?


As Episcopalians, we are followers of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and we believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


The Episcopal Church has members in the United States and the territory of Puerto Rico; and also in Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Venezuela, Curacao, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Haiti, Honduras, Micronesia, Taiwan, and the Virgin Islands.


We strive to love our neighbors as ourselves and respect the dignity of every person.


The Episcopal Church is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, and traces its heritage to the beginnings of Christianity.


Our liturgy retains ancient structure and traditions and is celebrated in many languages.


Both men and women, including those who are married, are eligible for ordination as deacons, priests and bishops.


We believe in amendment of life, the forgiveness of sin, and life everlasting.


Lay people exercise a vital role in the governance and ministry of our church.


Holy Communion may be received by all baptized Christians, not only members of the Episcopal Church.


We uphold the Bible and worship with the Book of Common Prayer.


We affirm that committed relationships are lifelong and monogamous. Episcopalians also recognize that there is grace after divorce and do not deny the sacraments to those who have been divorced.


We affirm that issues such as birth control are matters of personal informed conscience.


We celebrate our unity in Christ while honoring our differences, always putting the work of love before uniformity of opinion.


All are welcome to find a spiritual home in the Episcopal Church.


  • 1970: A small group of Episcopalians begin meeting at First Christian Church. The Rev. Hume Reeves, administrator at nearby Camp Crucis, serves as priest-in-charge.

  • 1972: The Diocese of Dallas recognizes the group as a mission.

  • 1974: A historic structure in Acton was purchased and restored to serve as the sanctuary. Fr. Reeves continues to serve as Vicar.

  • 1975: The Rev. Michael Merriman was appointed Director of Camp Crucis and Vicar of Good Shepherd. He served there until 1981.

  • 1981: Good Shepherd becomes a Parish of the Diocese of Dallas. Official name is The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd.

  • 1982: A Parish Hall was built across the road from the church.

  • 1982: The Rev. Charles A. Hough was called to be Rector. The Parish continued to grow. Good Shepherd was cited nationally by the Episcopal Church for its innovative outreach program, known as People Helping People.

  • 1988: The Rt. Rev. Clarence C. Pope, assisted by Bishop Davies, dedicated a new church building, built across the road from the historical building, which would now be used as a chapel.

  • 1989: Fr. Hough accepts a call to St. Alban’s in Arlington. The Rev. Bradley Barber becomes Rector of Good Shepherd.

  • 1992: The Rev. Jarod Foster assumes the duty of Rector. Granbury ISD began to use the upper floor of the Chapel for STARS Academy, a program designed to help students complete their high school education.

  • 1998: After Fr. Foster’s retirement, The Rev. Bill Stanford served as Interim for 2 years.

  • 2000: The Rev. Edward Kresowaty becomes Rector. During his tenure, the sanctuary was refurbished and a pipe organ obtained. He serves Good Shepherd through 2005.

  • 2006: The Rev. Stuart Smith becomes Rector. The Parish worked together as tensions rose between the Diocese and the National Church.

  • 2008: After the Diocesan Convention takes the first vote to leave The Episcopal Church, a group of faithful Episcopalians begin to meet to plan for the eventual split. While they continue to attend Good Shepherd, they also meet for Morning Prayer, and they prepare.

  • 2009: The Right Rev. Leo Jack Iker leads the Diocese out of the National Church and aligns with The Southern Cone. Later, his group would align with ACNA (Anglican Church of North America), not recognized by the Anglican Communion.

  • 2009: On the Sunday following the split, the faithful remnant meets for services at the Concert Hall of the Langdon Center. After a few weeks, they begin meeting at the Wednesday Women’s Club building.

  • 2009: The Rev. Frank Reeves, son of the first Vicar, came out of retirement to be our Supply Priest for 6  years. During this period, we-The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd-came to realize that the church is the people, not the building. Services and Outreach continued, as did the lawsuit with the former Episcopalians. 

  • 2009:  The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd became part of The Episcopal Church in North Texas.

  • 2011: The Seventh Day Adventist Church agreed to let us rent a portion of their building and to let us have Sunday services in their sanctuary.

  • 2015: Following Fr. Frank’s retirement on his 72nd birthday, The Rev. Dr. Suzi Robertson came to be our Priest-in-Charge. Our church began to grow again. 

  • 2019: Construction is completed on a new building, consecrated by The Right Rev. F. Scott Mayer on September 28, 2019. We get to enjoy the building for 5 months.

  • 2020: During the Covid Pandemic, we worshiped in the parking lot, transmitting the service on the radio. Parking Lot Church was challenging, but the parking lot was always full.

  • 2021: Dr. Suzi retires. The Very Rev. Doug Travis becomes our Interim Priest. 

  • 2022: A Search Committee is formed to find a new rector.

  • 2023: The Vestry of The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Granbury, has called the Rev. Dr. Bonnie Mixon McCrickard.


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